There comes a time in the life of a blogger when life has to be lived...not just blogged about. There have been a number of things that Miss Eagle has been involved in since her last appearance here. Prime among them was attending a conference in Ballarat and doing the tourist thing before and after. Miss Eagle, a relative newcomer to Victoria, had never been to Ballarat. So she went up pre-conference to do Sovereign Hill, the Eureka Centre and the Fine Art Gallery. After the conference, she did the Great Tourist Road home through The Grampians and via The Great Ocean Road.

Lake Windouree filling after being bone dry from the drought
Wildlife feed
Don't know whether The Begonia Princess floated on the Lake prior to the drought.
It sure looks like she will have difficulty getting out of the mud.
And this was breakfast. Wonderful.
All in all, The Boatshed was the place to be on a bleak Ballarat winter day.
Warm surroundings and warmed by the tucker.
Well worth another visit, methinks!

Never been to Ballarat yet braving a visit in winter!! Hats off to you, Miss Eagle. Even in summer, when all surrounding country towns are positively steaming, Ballarat can often present a nasty surprise in the way of temperature differences.
Your photos however made it look interesting. That Boatshed looks like a lovely place to sit.
Glad you got to the Grampians and the Great Ocean Road. Also firsts?
Miss Eagle if only I had known, would have been over in a SHOT! to help you work off that delish breakfast ~ in and out of all the great op-shops I would have taken you!!! Its a sad thing when you can admit you "know them all"
great photos and so nice to see the lake filling at long last.
have a great Sunday!
Lovely pics as usual, Miss E. I think all our country towns are picturesque, and most have delicious eating spots, as well as great opshops!
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