A national retreat on desert spirituality is to be held actually on the edge of the Australian desert 70km east of Southern Cross, Western Australia.
The official launch of the Australian Research Institute for Desert Spirituality (ARIDS) will be held in the Koora Retreat Centre, hosted by Rev Anna Killigrew and Rev Peter Harrison. Costs are still being finalised, but they will be modest! They include good food, campfire, desert plains, salmon gums, toilets, showers are beds.
We will keep silence. Trisha Watts is our keynote prayer leader. Out of our times of silence will come the sounds of a ‘still small voice’ that she will help us to share and to welcome. Many of you know Trish’s outstanding music and gracious workshop leadership, and you others are in for a treat.
There will also be time for words. Papers on some aspect of Desert Spirituality are hereby called for, and if necessary will be selected by the working group composed of Rev Dr Anna Killigrew, Rev Ian Robinson, and Rev Tracy Spencer. Only a smallish number of papers will be offered.
Access to Koora is via Perth or Kalgoorlie by air, train car or bus. Contact Ian Robinson, at idtr@westnet.com.au, and Ian will help you find share transport.
Picture: Rabbit Proof Fence 25nm to the East of Southern Cross

I am sure everybody loved it, but my problem has always been that I don't 'see delicious roast' I SEE THE POOR BEAST who did not ask to be born, wrenched from it's mother, trucked about the place and then slaughtered.
I also think that the reason there is so much cancer and angst in the world today is that everybody is eating the flesh of creatures who died while madly pumping FEAR adrenalin hormones. It has to be bad folks.
As you will see if you go through my blog that the camp oven meal was in the period when I gave up animal flesh. This was after things I had seen in the bush. I was with a group - and the plan for the camp oven meal was in train. I didn't eat any of this. I had been vegetarian once before (not counting the times when I barely ate any meat). These days I have revised Karl Marx. Traditionally, Marxism has talked about "workers alienated from the means of production". I talk about people being alienated from the means of production of our food - not only in relation to animal cruelty but in relation to food processing: we don't know how or what's done and, in many cases, we don't know what's in it. Consumers have to become more questioning and better informed.
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