Animals Australia: the voice for animals

Animals Australia: the voice for animals
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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Celebrating Fair Food Week at the Jiggety-Jig Farmers Market in #Ballarat

I trotted off jiggety-jig to market, this morning. 
No, I didn't buy the fat pig of the nursery rhyme. 

Being vegetarian, I steered clear of the meat that was available
and focussed on bread and veges. 

 The Jiggety-Jig farmers market was on this morning. 
 Local producers. 

 It costs a little more to purchase the food available at good farmers' markets 
but it is worthwhile to spend a just a little extra 
to purchase local food of good quality 
which has not travelled far from the farm; 
where you can be absolutely guaranteed that free range eggs 
are actually free range.

It is also wise to remember that
if we don't support our local producers and makers
then, one day in the not too far away,
we will lose them.
If we lose them and make ourselves slaves
to imports and cheap foreign government subsidised food,
with these people will go the skills that
ensure that we can feed ourselves.
So purchasing from the locals
is like making a down-payment on
a sort of food insurance policy.

Below is an album of my purchases. 
Some good eating is contained therein 

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